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Empowered Path Bracelet with Malachite and Black Onyx (unisex) EPATH-BU1

  • If you are ready to rise up and step into a life that is larger and better, or need an ally to help you deal with challenges, unexpected events or other changes in your life, this crystal combination gives you the strength and courage to do so triumphantly.



    Malachite :: Transformation + Intuition + Protection

    Considered as the stone of transformation, the fluidity of malachite’s energy moves you forward in any type of situation. It expands your heart to accept more good and furnishes you with a protective, gentle energy up until the last nudge that’s necessary to move you to the next level.  Malachite gifts you with great visionary and intuitive powers, and backs them up with a grounding quality to ensure you have a solid rationale behind choices you make. You’ll then have the confidence to pursue the right action for transformation in any area of your life.

    Malachite is a potent aid in bringing forth abundance, growth, expansion and creation and is perfect for injecting fresh ideas and opportunities into new business ventures, existing projects or professional pursuits.  It’s also helpful when it comes to personal concerns such as staying on track to achieve a life goal or finding something to reinvigorate your soul. You can also work with this crystal when you find yourself in a tight spot and have difficulty making ends meet.

    Malachite intensely guides you through deep spiritual growth. It heals past physical and emotional traumas and creates a powerful barrier to protect you against negative energies that make you feel weak or toxic. It will show you what’s blocking your growth and makes you aware of what you should be embrace or avoid in your life. Its protective energies ward of negative events and keep you safe against accidents and the stone to carry for smooth travels. Malachite enhances psychic visions and insights. You’ll find it easier to understand divine messages and instinctively know how to act on it. It boosts your immune system, enhances fertility, regulates monthly feminine cycles, and protects mother and baby during childbirth.

    Black Onyx :: Personal Power + Success + Intuition

    Black onyx is a strength-giving stone that helps direct your will and lets you take on a challenge with persistence. It helps you conquer your fears and doubts so that nothing is in the way of you and your true destiny. It releases you from conforming to societal expectations so you are free to express your authentic self.  If self-doubt and negative thoughts arise, black onyx banishes them and purifies your mind into a clean state with high receptive powers. It gives you the confidence and willpower to keep trying until you accomplish your goal. Black Onyx will also amplify the greatness of your gifts, and it will infuse you with the wisdom you need to make only the best decisions.

    With this stone, your mind, body, and spirit align with the Universe and opens up to the frequency of goodness.  You receive guidance on your life purpose from higher realms through dreams and visions and develop heightened intuition.  It is very protective and grounding and transmutes negative energies. It eliminates unhealthy habits and helps you become more focused and balanced. It separates you from people or situations that are unhappy, or troublesome.   


  • Chakra activation :: all chakras with focus on root, solar plexus, heart, third eye


  • Affirmation :: I am ready to rise up and step into a life that is larger and better.


  • Sizing Details ::
    WOMEN’S L/ MEN’S M - fits 19-21 cm wrist
    WOMEN’S XL/ MEN’S L - fits 21-23 cm wrist
    *If you are unsure of the right size for you, simply measure around your wrist with a piece of string, mark it and lay beside a ruler. 


  • Item Details :: Made with genuine 8mm and 6mm Black Onyx and Malachite crystals. As it is made from natural crystals there will be naturally occurring variations and imperfections.  Our crystals are cleansed by hovering over smoke of burnt sage and energized with harmonic vibrations of the singing bowl. 


  • Care ::  In order to sustain its magic, cleanse + energize + program regularly. We recommend using our selenite bowls or Sacred Palo Santo for cleansing. Our accents are made with a real gold vacuum plating technology which is 3 times thicker than ordinary gold plating to give it extra durability. It has a strong color retention ability, however care is still recommended to prevent oxidative discoloration and is sensitive to alkaline liquid such as laundry detergent and soap water.