The idea of traveling to far-flung places seem to be well, so far-flung now. And as for VR (virtual reality), we're just not there yet. Creativity however has never gone out of style and now more than ever do we need to profusely tap into it.
Today's deep dive into the inner recesses of my brain's right hemisphere, prompts me to take an urban adventure around our humble abode complete with insider knowledge from our four-legged fur ball, Rusty.
The objective was clear: be creative and entertain yourself. The challenge: take the seemingly bottomless pit of a dumpling in the guise of a purse. Or is it a purse in the guise of a dumpling? Whatever suits your fancy, it's a contraption especially used by a woman to carry everyday essentials.
And everyday essentials did it carry.
830am is when I roll out my mat and namastè my way to a healed body and a quiet mind. Yoga with Adriene on Youtube has been instrumental to my practice, should you be interested. It's free too.
Yoga dumpling is never without:
At 1030am, I hangout in the living room for a wee bit of me-time before we all get together for lunch. If I feel emotionally strong enough to watch the news, I would, otherwise I watch reruns of The Ellen Show or resume a book.
Lounging dumpling is never without:
And then there's that leisurely walk to the kitchen which took approximately 24 seconds. Stuffed my purse with ingredients to a rather healthy dish both for lunch and dinner which is one and the same but will be served differently. Again creativity is key.
Kitchen dumpling is never without:
Come mid-afternoon post-nap, my daughter and I along with our doggos will pack a few essentials and spread a mat on our pocket garden and bask in what little nature we can grasp. We have ambitious plans of a board game or maybe paint but mostly we just chat and enjoy a little bit of grounding or that barefoot contact with the earth. We count ourselves lucky.
Picnic dumpling is never without:
It's 630pm and a I have a Zoom date with my girlfriends. Toted my purse to the bar and fixed myself a cocktail.
Home bar dumpling is never without:
Not a highlight of my day but we all need to mind our own business at the bathroom. Said dumpling bag always at my disposal. Toilet paper and all.
Bathroom dumpling is never without:
Whew, what a full day that was. My dumpling still hard at work carrying wind down essentials I usually bring to bed.
Bedroom dumpling is never without:
As always, all of the above are safe to try at home. I would be remiss not to mention that before your exciting around-the-house journey, to browse dumpling bags here is essential, to purchase unnecessary.
We are happy to bring you lightness in the form of small things. In this case, teeny tiny dumpling bags, that pack a LIFE.
Thank you for #StayingInWithSTU
Air hugs and kisses,
+ Mischka, Rusty, Snowy
Mikka Padua